• “This Is Your Wake-Up Call.”

    “This Is Your Wake-Up Call.”

    Last week the U.S. government charged five Chinese military officials with spying on U.S. companies in order to steal vital trade secrets. The Chinese cyber thieves targeted some of the largest American makers of nuclear and solar technology, stealing confidential business information, sensitive trade secrets, and internal communications.  The Justice Department said this should be a […]
  • Tired of paying hidden fees with your current IT consultant? Here are some secrets to avoiding those hidden fees found in most Managed Services agreements

    Tired of paying hidden fees with your current IT consultant? Here are some secrets to avoiding those hidden fees found in most Managed Services agreements

    Nobody likes to pay for a service only to be told they owe extra. Hidden fees are not only aggravating, but they’re also dishonest. Here are five ways to avoid paying more than the original agreement. Research first  Become knowledgeable in the information technology world before your IT Consultant tries to use jargon or tricks […]
  • 7 Convenient Tips and Tricks to Get the Most Out of Microsoft Outlook 2013

    7 Convenient Tips and Tricks to Get the Most Out of Microsoft Outlook 2013

    Microsoft Outlook offers a variety of convenient features and capabilities. However, most of us don’t know how to leverage the features and capabilities available. Here are 7 convenient tips and tricks to help you get the most out of Microsoft Outlook: Stop Missing Important Messages Are you constantly missing important messages because they’re lost in […]
  • 8 Fantastic Timesaving Tips and Tricks for Microsoft Word

    8 Fantastic Timesaving Tips and Tricks for Microsoft Word

    You’ve probably been using Microsoft Word to write documents for years, however, there’s a few lesser-known ways to get work done faster and more efficiently. Here are 8 timesaving tips and tricks for Microsoft Word: 1.     Select Text Quickly You already know that double-clicking will select a single word, however, triple-clicking will select an entire […]
  • 12 Imperative Security Tips to Protect Your Personal Data

    12 Imperative Security Tips to Protect Your Personal Data

    Do you worry about the privacy of your personal data? If so, you’re not alone. According to a study conducted by Harris Interactive, which surveyed 2000 consumers, privacy concerns associated with personal data are fairly common. For example: 93% of consumers have privacy concerns regarding online shopping. 90% of consumers have privacy concerns regarding online […]
  • 6 Essential Risk Mitigating Tips for Using Public Wi-Fi Networks

    6 Essential Risk Mitigating Tips for Using Public Wi-Fi Networks

    Do you protect your laptops and mobile devices with anti-virus software? If not, it’s critical to avoid using public Wi-Fi networks. Cybercriminals can easily intercept data sent over public Wi-Fi, yet 53% of mobile device owners use public Wi-Fi hotspots on a regular basis. Many locations, including hotels, coffee shops, and airports, offer free access […]
  • 4 Ways to Save Time and Effort By Signing Documents Electronically

    4 Ways to Save Time and Effort By Signing Documents Electronically

    When it comes to signing a document electronically, most people struggle with the hassle of signing and scanning the document. Did you know there’s a variety of other ways to sign documents electronically? Here’s 4 apps to sign documents via your smartphone or web browser: 1.     HelloSign Chrome Extension If you receive most of your […]
  • 6 Microsoft Outlook Tips and Tricks Guaranteed To Give You Back 30 Minutes In Your Work Day

    6 Microsoft Outlook Tips and Tricks Guaranteed To Give You Back 30 Minutes In Your Work Day

    Do you spend a lot of time trying to keep track of emails, contacts, and calendars on Microsoft Outlook? If you learn to take advantage of the wide variety of features, you can significantly increase your productivity while using Microsoft Outlook. Here are 6 absolute must tips and tricks guaranteed to give you back 30 […]
  • Want to create Rock Star PowerPoint Presentations? Here are 4 Chart Smashing Tips

    Want to create Rock Star PowerPoint Presentations? Here are 4 Chart Smashing Tips

    In the business world, PowerPoint presentations are commonly used to communicate ideas. A successful PowerPoint presentation gets the message across in a short time period, however, creating a short, yet appealing presentation isn’t always easy to do. Here’s a few tips to help you make your next PowerPoint presentation more appealing to the audience: 1.     […]
  • 6 Absolute Must Tips to Safeguard Your Android Device

    6 Absolute Must Tips to Safeguard Your Android Device

    Do you know how to protect your Android device from security threats? Often, people store a lot more sensitive information on their personal devices than they realize. As a business owner, safeguarding your Android device should be a top priority. Fortunately, there’s a few simple ways to set up maximum protection against common threats. Here […]
  • How to Save a Life – On Your iPhone Battery That is

    How to Save a Life – On Your iPhone Battery That is

    Apple’s new iOS 7.1 update has been a source of frustration for iPhone users since it came out, by draining batteries quicker than before. Although creators of the new update claim they only noticed a slight decrease in battery life post update, there might be a series of small issues draining your battery power. Prolong […]
  • Top 5 eBook Reader Apps to Suit Any Avid Reader’s Preferences

    Top 5 eBook Reader Apps to Suit Any Avid Reader’s Preferences

    Apple’s iPad has become one of the most popular devices used to read eBooks. For avid readers, the iPad offers an extensive variety of eBook reader apps to suit your reading style preference. Here’s the top 5 eBook reader apps available on the App Store: 1.     iBooks iBooks comes pre-installed on the iPad, iPod Touch, […]